Saturday, January 2, 2016

Recipe Scrounging and Eggs

Recipe planning is hard work.  Meal planning, organizing the grocery list.  It's all a booger.

I've glanced around at the various apps but they all seem tied to particular cookbooks or ideologies.  As an occasionally backsliding paleo/primal person, I don't want flours, grains, and sugars to make up any parts of the recipe I'm trying...

Doing google searches of paleo recipes can be overwhelming.  I mean, seriously...17 MILLION!?  That is just about nuts.  And I'm sure Google search is missing a couple in there somewhere. 

But, my attainable goal is 3 new recipes a week.  And making leftovers for lunches.  And days I don't feel like getting into the kitchen...ground meats and veggies mixed in one pot.  
Totally Doable!!

Checked on the chickens yesterday and peeked into the nesting boxes...I HAVE EGGS!!!  Ten beautiful, multicolored eggs!!  I was surprised but sort of expecting this as the girls are coming to that age.  So excited to finally be getting eggs from them.  It's just a rewarding feeling.  Checked the boxes this AM when I turned them loose and found two more.  So, here's hoping the girls use the nesting boxes instead of leaf litter in the woods.  
Just look at that orangy yolk!!!    

Today is a day to get the coop cleaned out and fresh pine shavings in the boxes for...hopefully...more eggs to be layed there.  

The Americaunas lay the blue/green eggs.  The Black Barred and Black Sex Linked lay the various shades of brown.  Some eggs are small, some oblong, some decent size.  The girls are learning and Mr. Roo seems quite pleased with the ladies.  

So much fun!!

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