Thursday, February 18, 2016

StrongLifts 5x5

Two workouts in on StrongLifts 5x5 and I feel comfortable with the app and what it can do for me.  I like the progressions, the adjust-ability and that it integrates with Google Fit. Now, just need to find a smartwatch, tracker thingy that I like.  My Fitbit Charge HR is nice but a. it's ugly b. it wears a sore on my wrist no matter how tightly/loosely I wear it, c. I like wearing a regular watch with a face, etc. 
The scale indicates I've gone from 222 to 216 this week.  Water weight?  Not sure...  Don't care.  It's a decrease. 
Been roughly following AltShift protocols. Meaning I'm not measuring or tracking instead eating till full then stopping.  But, also incorporating Intermittent Fasting.  Working to eat only during a 6h window from 6a to 12p and fasting the other 18hrs.  That'll be interesting come this weekend.  :/  Or, maybe I can set this process up so that I IF on work days and eat somewhat regularly on weekends....?  That's an idea. 
That'll work till the schedule changes the end of the month.  Which this may be easier with the 12h shift. 

Should be adding baby chicks the end of this week...I don't have a place set up for them in the house yet ... should prob do that first.  Just excited to get another batch going.  

All for now.  Work is in the way.  

Monday, February 15, 2016

Weights and Me

 Gold's Gym XRS 20 Olympic Workout Bench

Is if failing miserably if I don't even try to do the 3 recipes a week??  Le` sigh.

I'm not worried about it.  This is my blog and I'll get to what I can when I can.  It is a challenge to journal and blog and work out and work and animals and partner and Life and whatever else happens in there.  

I picked up this weight bench from WalMart last week for just under $200.  Setting it up in the tool shed as there's just no room in the house and I don't want it on the porch.  Not quite that redneck-y.  Not quite.   It works in the tool shed....a little tight moving around but it makes me aware.  Which is always good for me.  And I did my first workout on it today.  I also did 3x10sec sets of 

sprints up/down the drive way.  Much to the Dogs confusion.  Bear was chasing me barking looking for what I was racing after.  Well, not really racing...I'm 220#s on a 5'4" frame...there's no racing.  

I'm using the 5x5 StrongLift app.  And yeah, I went ahead and paid the $10 for the upgrade.  It's worth it.  

I'm tired of being fat.  I'm tired of being winded after walking up a flight of stairs.  I'm tired of the low sex drive, the oversized appetite, the insecurities and embarrassment I am to myself. 

Just like you, broken promise after broken promise of what I'm going to change.  
Here's to hoping this is it.  

Here's me now...funky blogger layout and all.  
Let's find out what the healthy me looks like